El cuco de Valdelaluna

El cuco de Valdelaluna is the result of the efforts and hopes of Ángel and Tomás, two childhood and partners of the micro-wine cellar bodega La Presa de Sanzoles Zamora (Spain).

Together they have reached to enter into D.O. Toro (Guarantee of Origin). The common cuckoo is a very particular bird. It lays down the eggs in the nests of

other bird species, aiming for the hosts to keep safe and feed the intruder bird at the time it leaves the shell. This video from Arthur Homan shows this particular bird.

After the hatching the newborn cuckoo throws out the other eggs in order to be the only one nourished by the host mother. This video from Arthur Homan shows this particular bird.

The nature of El cuco de Valdelaluna is finding a place to survive in one world: the wine's world,with many competitors and using what nature has to offer: land, work,time.

This is the graphic work that I did to show the name of the wine, the wine label and I tried to explain why El cuco de Valdelaluna is named by this way .