We had to announce the new wine of 2018 was ready! But we didn't know how to comunicate it. So we thought that somebody could help us to rise the task.
We had to announce the new wine of 2018 was ready! But we didn't know how to comunicate it. So we thought that somebody could help us to rise the task.
We got in touch with the person who was killing it at the time: Ginés The King of bocadillos on tiktok. A humble farmer who prepares sandwiches in front of
the camera. We quickly saw the connection between Ginés and us because he also does things 'a la manera de antaño, hoy' (do things as the old way).
We changed the gold color for a more representative color: burgundy. The cuckoo bird also has details in this color to follow the same communicative way.
The burgundy color is a tribute to Sanzoles, the town where the vineyards and the wine-cellar are located, which formerly had the name of Sanzoles del vino and
now no longer. It is also a tribute to its fields, neighbors and families who, with their help, have managed to achieve this wine.